Monday, February 8, 2021

The Boss Sends a Message to the "Quiet" Middle

When it comes to idol worship, I resolutely confine mine to entertainers in industries like sports, publishing, and music. At the same time, I equally resolve to limit my favorite political leaders to mere admiration, not idolatry.

So when The Boss, Bruce Springsteen, with the support of an auto manufacturer, sent a Super Bowl message to those of us in the middle, I paid rapt attention as he referred to a desolate spot in Kansas as the heart of the nation.

I recognized his voice; I remembered his heart; I knew where his message was headed. 

I can only hope our voices will be heard. 

By: Mike Kohler

Monday, February 1, 2021

Just get me out of here!

Under normal circumstances February is the time of year my husband and I come down with symptoms of cabin fever and begin planning late spring camping trips to the southwest. Under these abnormal circumstances the symptoms are a bit more serious. So serious that we have ordered a new Jeep Wrangler to replace our 15 year old Jeep Liberty and are already planning trips that will take us into the backcountry asap. 

On some of our more uneventful days (most of them actually) those plans are what fuel our hope and enthusiasm for the future. In the meantime there are still the occasional  calm, warm dry days when we can get out on bikes and explore the countryside. I know we will make it through this time of sequestration but it is getting to be a real slog.

By: Bonnie Shetler