Friday, March 5, 2021

How to take the tension out of a "masking chat"

Sadly, I've heard too many anecdotes of grocery store disputes about mask vs. no-mask. Like most things, the answer lies in the middle, so here's a thought about taking the tension out of a public confrontation. 

I politely mentioned to an unmasked person at the grocery store that maybe they had forgotten their mask. When they began their "I have my rights" rant, I signaled a timeout and simply said, "Hey, I'm OK with your freedom to do as you like in private time. But I'm guessing that you don't have a daughter in cancer treatment who appreciates protection against the spread of the virus." 

As I said that, I eased away and sort of waved off a continuation of the dispute. And we were both good with that. 

But then it occurred to me -- "What if people who DON'T have a daughter in treatment used a line like that anyway?" 

If it takes the tension out of a dispute, then is it too disingenuous? Hmm.... 😷

By: Mike Kohler

1 comment:

  1. We live in a "me" era. The bad grammar these days reflect that, "Me and my friends went hiking." So many feel they are the center of the universe. Kudos for your tactfulness.
