Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tote Bags

Tote BagsI guess tote bags have replaced coffee mugs as everyone’s favorite give-away. I have a tote from the LWV, The New Yorker, my church, a local bookstore, a local liquor store, the local FM radio station, three grocery stores (in addition to having a reusable bag for each), the Sanctuary movement, decorative totes, homemade ones from friends, even one for beer growlers! So many totes, so little filling. Dealing with papers and filing has always been a nightmare for me, and too much organization is never a good thing. Whenever I file documents away for “safe keeping,” I do such a good job that even I can’t find them again. Piles work better for me. Could totes be just hidden piles? Would it work, categorizing the bags to hold my various notes and materials? I see myself sorting through bags to find what I’m looking for, assuming I stuck things in the right bag . . .  are you getting the picture?Anyone need a tote?

submitted by Jane Everham

By: Bonnie Shetler

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